Algarve Wednesday Walkers 2006-7

A new Blog for a new walking season. This Blog provides a resumé of the activities of those resourceful, daring and eco-friendly athletes who venture into the wilds of the Algarve, without maps, compasses, rulers nor protractors, and with just walking sticks and a motley selection of dogs for company - known as The Algarve Wednesday Walkers

My Photo
Location: Lagos, Algarve, Portugal

Thursday, December 21, 2006

AWW 20.12.2006 - Xmas Stroll and lunch.

The Christmas Walk Trig Point Shot.

Leader: Rod
Present: Paul; Myriam; Janet; Stan; Elaine; Ian W; Ian S; David; Gack; Sue; Richard .

The Christmas Walk and lunch at Patricia's in Montes de Cima, had been arranged for some time, but other events and arrangements had conspired to reduce the numbers. Lindsey and Andrew were away tending to yet another grandchild; John and Hazel had been forced to go to Scotland (well you would have to be forced!), Terry and Jill were collecting a daughter from the airport (quite inconsiderate arriving on a Wednesday!9 and Peter S. was convalescing after an operation. We wish him a speedy recovery.

There were no noteworthy events during the walk. We had been joined by occasional walkers Sue and Richard for the walk as it promised to be fairly brief and non-demanding, and so it was. a two and a half hour circuit of the Montes de Cima area, including a couple of fairly low trig points, at one of which we posed for a group photo (above) as is the custom. Ian S had been lulled into a fasle sense of security by Rod's description, and the fair weather, and decided to sport blazer, flannels and well-polished brogues (well almost), so inevitably it was not long before we were plunging across muddy bogs and through dense new growth of cistus. My photo finger was still a bit sore from the frenzied activity on the RTC, so I didn't get round to recording much of the actual walk.

We were joined at the restaurant by Mike (suffering from chestikoff) and Jyll, Susan F. and her mother (visiting for Xmas), Dinah, Marguerite, Chris and Antje (malingering), and Diane.

Copious quantities of mulled wine were provided on the terrace, but even though it was sunny, it was still quite cool and most moved inside.

Then - a moment's drama - an almost surreal compensation for the fact that Ian S., clad in 'longs' had not spilt any blood during the walk, Mike had not made his usual bloody contribution, so it befell to the leader, Rod to fall on his sword - or rather an inappropriately placed Agave plant, on which he spiked his forehead. Fortunately, Marguerite, a fully qualified medical practitioner was on hand, and stemmed the flow of claret!

Luckily the flow of 2001 Torre de Trindade, from the cellars of Rod's 'Hobbyshop', Wine Mine was not similarly staunched and we set about a delicious lunch, cooked by Patricia, and ably served by Mike and Jean.

After lunch, the eagerly awaited results of the RTC Photo Competition were announced and some splendid prizes were presented. I had arranged a computer slide show of the entries during the lunch, for those that hadn't been able to access the web Album site. The pictures (here) and results (here) can be seen by all, but the fascinating new Blog on the RTC 2006, and hitherto, can only be accessed by registered members from the link in the left sidebar. If you are interested then email me for an invite to join.

Some of the less controversial pix of the Xmas lunch can be viewed in blog entries above this one.

It was a very convivial occasion, and a worthy method of pruning the funds gathered from Aprés Walk drinks during the previous season. We raised a glass to Maurice and Esme and all absent friends, and some very happy memories.


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