Algarve Wednesday Walkers 2006-7

A new Blog for a new walking season. This Blog provides a resumé of the activities of those resourceful, daring and eco-friendly athletes who venture into the wilds of the Algarve, without maps, compasses, rulers nor protractors, and with just walking sticks and a motley selection of dogs for company - known as The Algarve Wednesday Walkers

My Photo
Location: Lagos, Algarve, Portugal

Thursday, December 14, 2006

AWW 13.12.2006 Ian's Inland Idyll.

The Pumpkin Eaters Posted by Picasa

Having a week off because of a rescheduled med check, Blogging duties were entrusted to Ian W., the Leader, and John the Pap stepped up to the photographic plate.

Leader: Ian W.
Present: Hilke; Lindsey; Gack; John; Ian S; Chris ; Antje; David; Stan; Elaine,
Archie; Oscar; Tiggy

Yesterday, despite being the 13th of December was not unlucky. We had fabulous weather, cool and sunny with no wind even on the high ground. There were 11 walkers and 3 dogs. The walk was about 16km. and took 4 hours 15 minutes, more or less as advertised! We walked from the Foz De Banho down the river valley from Caldas, crossed the river and headed West, then north in a clockwise circle. It was strange to see water (?) pipes running along the ridge on the west side of the Caldas Valley and eventally heading towards Portimau. We all wonderered why they were there. The first river crossing was no problem, the water being low and stepping stones usable. the second was a problem for the dogs and there were cries of "put in a dog bridge", but they managed eventually to find a better crossing with Gack,Chris and Antje´s help. the medronho man came out to greet us but there were no takers... We did find lots of medronho fruit along the way and the hunter/gatherers were able to do their stuff. the group photo was taken by the group member who never faces the camera, beside a pumpkin vine. You can see a large pumpkin just beneath my hand, if you look carefully... There was considerable debate at the Foz, as to the correct charge for the "giraffe" that Ian S is imbibing in the photo. It appears to be about double a caneka in size, and will need the accounting sub-committee to make a decision. You need to refer to John, concerning the french letter!


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