WW 22.11.2006; Fungi on Foia
So far, the blood count had been low, merely one three inch scratch on the Leader’s right shin. Desperate of Odiaxere persisting in his attempts suddenly pleaded blood via a puncture on his left ankle. The medics gathered round but because of the rain, the blue dyes running from the patient’s blue trousers and blue socks into his blue boots and the fact that D.of O.’s blood is itself bluest of the blue, could see no sign of blood. No blood, no chance of whisky, not even externally applied.
By now, however, the weather had really closed in and the gathering mists were disorientating. At about this point, Thyl disappeared but, he being a most experienced solo walker, no real concern arose. With visibility reduced to about twenty metres, Paul was navigating on infra-red. Crops of mushrooms were discovered but, before Antje could be summoned to harvest them, Jim (or his boot) firmly squashed any such plan.
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