Algarve Wednesday Walkers 2006-7

A new Blog for a new walking season. This Blog provides a resumé of the activities of those resourceful, daring and eco-friendly athletes who venture into the wilds of the Algarve, without maps, compasses, rulers nor protractors, and with just walking sticks and a motley selection of dogs for company - known as The Algarve Wednesday Walkers

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Location: Lagos, Algarve, Portugal

Thursday, November 16, 2006

AWW 15.11.2006 Compôte de Pereira

David gets a dressing down for questioning whether the leader knows where he is going!!

This was to be pre-RTC FitnessTraining, but was cut short by persistent rain at the halfway point. The leader's blog (verbatim below, and almost as drear as the weather) contrived to beat the Chief Blogger home, when Mike employed the dastardly tactic of ambushing Myriam on her way back to pick up the sodden Chief Blogger and sending her back to Pereira on a wild goose chase looking for the three rebel walkers who had unilaterally decided to walk back towards Cafe Gonçalves, and had been collected by Jim about 20 minutes before!!!
We had actually covered 12.2 km in 2 hrs. 42 minutes moving time, but if you allow for the unscheduled detour caused by the Leader's attempts to converse while navigating, he is correct in that we should only have covered 11 km!! Perhaps the temporary loss of his lucky 'walking boot' charm had something to do with it!
A map of the route can be viewed by clicking on the thumbnail below:-

From WW Blog Pix

Compote de Pereira, November 15th, 2006

Dramatis personae, in order of appearance: John and Ian S, who were seated enjoying their coffees shortly after 9.00 a.m. when Mike appeared, Hilke (Gack's friend), Hedley and Peter (his brother), Chris and Antje, David, Gack, Paul & Myriam, Elaine, Ian W, Thyl, Jim, Andrew and Lindsey.

Canine representation: Oscar, Archie and Tiggy - all no doubt wishing Xana a speedy recovery.

Actual departure time was 09.35 hours. Views were good and walking conditions pleasant up to Baranco do Milho Trig Point (509 ft) which we reached in the scheduled time of 2 hours, despite a brief unplanned deviation. Paul took the obligatory photo but declined a shot of 'all those wearing Tilley underpants'. Shortly thereafter the rain started and spoilt what might otherwise have been a pleasant day's mainly ridgetop walking with great views. We abandoned at Arão, 3 hours after setting out. At that point we had covered some 11 km. Sorry this is such a damp piece - but that is what it was!
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