JAWW 28.05.2007 From our Japanese Correspondent
Whittle-san sends this signing-off report from his Tokyo bath house.
"Little to report from the Japanese outpost, it's getting warmer, and more humid and the Nips are apppearing like bees from a honey pot or more accurately ants from an anthill. The solution, start walking at 8 am, complete the route by lunchtime and head back to Tokyo before the crowds board the trains once again. Warm, sweaty bodies crammed into commuter trains are not a recipe for a tranquil life, in fact the other day I even abandoned one train at the first stop, the stink being too great for my sensitive nostrils. Not something that you really expect in ultra clean and hygene mad Japan. How I miss the fresh air of the Algarve! But madness prevails, I will return here for another month from mid-June, ostensibly to work but in reality to tackle the big one -Fuji-san awaits the climbing season. A major hazard will be sun parasols, not to mention sulphurous gases more likely to be generated from human bodies rather than the volcano itself. Follow the ants is the name of the game, but a wise man climbs Fuji-san only once in a lifetime, and I'm very wise!
See you all next week, many thanks for the blogs.
Chris-san from Japan."
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