Algarve Wednesday Walkers 2006-7

A new Blog for a new walking season. This Blog provides a resumé of the activities of those resourceful, daring and eco-friendly athletes who venture into the wilds of the Algarve, without maps, compasses, rulers nor protractors, and with just walking sticks and a motley selection of dogs for company - known as The Algarve Wednesday Walkers

My Photo
Location: Lagos, Algarve, Portugal

Friday, March 23, 2007

AWW 21.03.2007 Benagil Breeze or Lucky for Some

Leader: Ian S
Present: Hedley and guests George and Ann, Antje, Andrew and Lindsey, Jim Brownlow, Tina Fielder, Ian W., Janet, Gack, and John H.
Two dogs: Archie and Tiggy.

Obligatory statistical section:
Tilley Hat count: 1
Gaiter count: 0
Blood count: 2
Total distance: 6.722 miles
Time: 4.00 hrs exactly
Ascent/Descent: nobody noticed.
Leader assessment: positive (3 bonus points, 2
black marks)

14 gathered at Benagil by 9.15 including David Littlewood who, for reasons unclear, came only to cheer but did take the photo of the 13 walkers who left Benagil at 9.30 sharp.

Lack of starting coffee an initial black mark for the Leader, whose verbatim report follows:

Easy stroll to Praia da Marinha, with frequent stops to admire views on a spectacularly sunny morning. A bright, breezy day with the sea a vivid mix of azul and green, disturbed only by a couple of snorkellers.
The Mike Pease secateurs were then ceremonially inaugurated on a spiky little bush which elicited a derisive snort from Jim (who has experience in these matters) “Call that a Bramble!”

The Pease secateurs cut in.

On to Pr. da Albandeira for a refreshment stop, meeting an increasing number of other “walkers”, and with yet more information pauses to read about “blow holes” in the limestone cliffs, and to try to identify the colony of birds (shags?) on Battleship Rock.
There then followed a slightly tricky descent to the last bay before climbing, past a snake hissing noisily in the grass, up and onwards to the headland of Nossa Senhora da Rocha where another, 20 minute refreshment stop was made, and a pleasing alternative to the customary “Oblig. Trig. Pic.” was taken in front of the chapel.

(Frequency of stops allowed by an unusually simpatico Leader earns him first bonus point.)

The return journey began relatively uneventfully until the Leader , totally engrossed in conversazione with Lindsey, lost his way and began leading his flock towards Porches until corrected by alert veterans.
(Second black mark.)

After this 10 minute diversion, order and compass bearings re-established, smooth progress was made permitting a running debate on the economic benefits of boots from Bulgaria, with Hedley claiming benefit of Old Age Pensioner’s discount over the leader.

Which is the genuine Bulgarian?

Then, without warning, a disturbing incidence of FSD ( Falling Down Syndrome) struck; John H set the tone with a perfect pratfall on completely level ground. He claims that this was due to his being immersed in a meaningful conversation with Hedley the subject of which neither of them has any recollection about (Editorial comment – it may have been about Short Term Memory Loss .) What was most impressive was that as he hit the ground rigidly at attention like a Guardsman fainting on parade, not a single expletive was heard.

No harm done, luncheon was then taken on the beach at Albandeira –
(second bonus point to the leader here, the location being awarded 5 stars by the assembled gourmets) – until Hedley blew his RSM’s whistle and the troops continued back towards Benagil FSD struck again as Antje outdid John with a spectacular “Fosbury Flop” or “Western Roll” fall that nearly flattened the Leader too.

Equilibrium restored once more, the walkers returned to Benagil precisely on the 4-hour mark with the Leader for once being beaten to the bar, being smartly outpaced over the finishing stretch by a rejuvenated Antje.

The majority having left, the Leader retrieved an abandoned Leki Makalu – which earns him a third bonus point. Owner can reclaim it from him, ransome negotiable


Blogger Paulo a Pe said...

Well done John, I have just waited 15 minutes to see the blog appear on dial up at 46.6 kbps - and it was worth it. Almost like being there- although from the cast list it seems that certain people were just waiting for us to leave on our trip before making a comeback!! Keep it going - can't have taken more than 4-5 hours to publish!

11:13 pm  
Blogger John Hope said...

Comments flood in from allquarters of the globe, the following being from Chris Whittle in Tokyo:
Whittle San writes "I now have WW's as a favourite so can log in any time that I feel homesick. I'll bet that the abandoned Leki stick ia Antje's. I normally have the job of remembering it. Hope she doesn't borrow mine in the meantime. I might need it for the Mt. Fuji climb, not to mention crampons, ice axes and ropes as well. Am keeping fit pounding the streets of Tokyo at present, bit of a bummer having to stop at all the traffic lights though. Best regards to all the WW's, Chris"

Well, Chris wins his bet but Antje has asserted her intellectual property rights over this "typically husbandy comment."

10:44 am  

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