AWW 02.05.2007 Monchique to Marmelete joint walk
This was a unique occasion in that the AWW were honoured with an invitation to join the AWIW (the Algarve Way Irish Walkers) on the Wednesday stretch of their Long March. Among other things, this meant that there were two leaders, Ian S. from AWW, and, from AWIW, the Supreme Leader and Planner of the Long March, David Littlewood. David, in befitting Mandarin terminology, is hereinafter referred to as Shao-Shu, and it was to Shao-Shu that Ian S. graciously deferred as the walk began.
(Your humble scribe, unfortunately, doesn't have all the names of that supremely fit AWIW group, several of whom are also veteran Hash House Harriers , but all in all there were 14 of us plus Oscar.)
Supreme Leader: Shao-Shu*
Modest Leader: Ian S.
AWIWs: Brian Holman, (big)John, (little)John, Ian Wilson*, David: records can be updated as required
AWWs: Mike Pease, Janet S., Terry M., John H.
Dogs: Oscar
*also an AWW
Tilley Hat Count: 2
Ozzie Jackaroo Hat Count: 1 (courtesy of big John)
Cheltenham Races Shooting Stick count: 1 (ditto)
Shillelagh count: 1 (courtesy little John)
Total distance: approx
Modest Leader's report follows.
At the compromise starting time of 09.00, the customary starting photo was taken outside the Monchique Consultorio Veterinario whither the AWIW had repaired for pedicures, i.e.fetlocks trimmed, hooves re-shod, etc, after their exceptionally tough route march up and over Picota the previous day. 14 walkers then set off up through the back boreens of Monchique. Locals, when asked if this was the way to Marmelete, answered in the time-honoured fashion "Ach, well, if I was to go to Marmelete, I wouldn't exactly start from here."
The boreens of Monchique
Undeterred even so, we went on ,up and up, past the Drain Route at the side of the Convent, with nary a pause for breath or adjustment of rain-wear, up and up into the celtic mists of Foia, for truly it was a soft day on the hills. The top of Foia was gained at impressive speed but in truly murky conditions by about 10.20. There, without any hesitation, big John made for the restaurant bar and many followed, while purist AWWs, paralysed by a paroxism of indecision at this cultural shock, hovered in the rain outside. Meanwhile, scenes of revelry were being enacted in the bar's misty interior as coffees, hot chocolates, beers and macieiras and sundry snacks were consumed, and Shao-Shu himself tucked into a chocolate cream bola the size of a Great Wall of China ashlar.
AWWs are undecided..... but the AWIWs get stuck in.
Eventually, after 30 minutes of such indulgence, Shao-Shu called the Marchers to order and told them (in completely undemocratic terms) that he knew of a way down from the peak and that they had better follow him, like it or lump it. (This episode is on film but the Blog will not accept the format; with luck, I will have had it attached to my covering e-mail and, if so, you will be able to see AND hear Shao-Shu himself.) Out then into the celtic mist, and on down a veritable Giant's Causeway of a precipitous and boulder-strewn obstacle course. "Lumping it" scarcely does justice to the ground under foot.The gloom was by then so thick that Shao-Shu understandably missed his intended route.The all-encompassing gloom
As a result, an unplanned lengthy section of tarmac had neccessarily to be negotiated before we reached the windmills on the western slopes of Foia. Nobody volunteered to tilt at them because, before us to the west, beckoned blue skies, warm breezes, and green woods, al of which made the last few kilometers an exceptionally pleasant canter on the home stretch.
On the sunny side of the street
AWIW's David stormed ahead of all contenders as soon as he could sniff the ale and was easily the first to the Bar, just as Marmelete's garish electronic bells signalled 13.00 and the end of the walk. What a speed over such terrain, despite such early weather, and despite the Foia Refreshment Pause! Did Mike's GPS put it at 4.7? Who knows.
David was already on his second beerPost-walk refreshments were presided over by Ian W. and big John (also on film and sound if I'm able to fix it) and included, for some reason, celebration of Liverpool F C's achievements.
What have Liverpool done now?Did you drink all those, Ian?
Mike Pease's contribution to recent week's discussions about early starts and slug-a-beds disappeared into the ether. Since he will be rising very early these next few days as he tackles the Algarve Way solo, I shall attempt to retrieve some of his text:
"This day is called the feast of Crispian.
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Will stand a tip-toe when this day is named......
Then will he strip his sleeve and shew his scars.....
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...
And gentlemen in England, now a-bed,
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here."
Happy walking, Mike
Paulo a Pe, AWW's ambassador to China, sent a comment at 04.05 this morning which I will publish as a comment, so clearly he is not a slug-a-bed. We shall now look forward to a contribution from our other roving emissary, Whittle San from the Land of the Rising Sun.
Pauloa Pe's comment dated 07 May 2007 at 04.05 on learning that the walk on 9th May will be a non-event:
From China it all looks as if it is going to pieces!!! John H. - How about a monograph for the blog entitled "Decline and Fall - a study of apathy in Modern Wednesday Walkers"? I would pen something myself but I have better things to do!!!!
All the best from Macao, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Soochow and Chengdu.
PS The pandas send their love!
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For some bizarre reason, the Blog Infrastructure has appeared on my screen in Chinese Characters - so I am relying on Myriam to tell me which buttons to press. Fortunately the keyboard remains in English, though occasionally reverts to Portuguese as it is supplied in Macau.
Another well-scribed colourful Blog, thanks John, but what happened to Wednesday 2nd May?
The comment wrested from Mike's unrewarded efforts to contribute had actually been used at least once before (but I am possibly the only one to remember that!)but is often peculiarly relevant to WW activities.
While the WW's this coming Wednesday skulk in bed attempting to come to terms with the ignominy of being unable to provide a leader even for a Symbolic walk around The Algarve Shopping centre, to enable John to craft a blog based more on fact than fantasy (would make a change!)- we will be in Shanghai attempting to find some geocaches, while I struggle to lead Myriam past shops displaying 'copy' Polo walking shirts and steaming bowls of fragrant noodles.
Paul & Myriam
Little escapes the Editor-in-Chief's eagle eye, notwithstanding all that steam from the noodle bowls. AWW 02.05.2007 duly inserted
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