Algarve Wednesday Walkers 2006-7

A new Blog for a new walking season. This Blog provides a resumé of the activities of those resourceful, daring and eco-friendly athletes who venture into the wilds of the Algarve, without maps, compasses, rulers nor protractors, and with just walking sticks and a motley selection of dogs for company - known as The Algarve Wednesday Walkers

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Location: Lagos, Algarve, Portugal

Friday, February 09, 2007

AWW 07.02.2007 Carrapateira Climatic Capers!

Apologies from the CB, as on a day that turned out to be less damp than a squib, I took the torrential downpour on our terrace to be representative of the day ahead, and secured a cancellation notice from Chris (whom I thought was to be the leader). Little did I know, that Antje had been gagging to model her rain gaiters, and would not be swayed from pressing on with the walk. Nevertheless, I maintained my stance, and took advantage of the later (dryish) forenoon to commence a recce of next week's potential walk, which had been brought forward from the 28th owing to Rod's temporary incapacity.


No 'Mats, flaps or bidet' this week (
for the uninitiated - car sales jargon for desirable optional accessories ) as I was unable to record a track or upload a Bamboo Diagram for this particular version of Antje and Chris's walk. Photos by John - main report by Chris and inappropriate comments (where appropriate) by me!

Leader; Chris; Executive Producer; Antje
Attendees : Terry M, Ian S, John H, Janet,Caroline, Stan, Elaine and their guests Jill and Chris.
Only one dog, Tiggy.
Despite the forecast of inclement weather, as evidenced by heavy rain in the Lagos area, eleven intrepid WW's elected to brave the elements and meet for the walk at the Cafe Bravo in Carrapateira as planned. That the leader of the day had indicated that no wimping out would be be allowed after the start, whatever the weather, hadn't served to deter any of the participants. In fact, we were greeted with dry, partly sunny conditions when we set off, with little sign of the impending rain clouds on the horizon.
With the intention of maintaining what had been billed as a "shorter walk" scant attention was paid to those seeking more hills and greater distances. The start was varied however to include a rapid ascent to the trig point above Carrapateira in order to enjoy the splendid coastal views and allow for the by now obligatory photo to be taken.An equally rapid descent to join the more usual valley path was greeted with a few complaints mostly silenced when the stiff climb up to Monte Velho was commenced.
The traditional approach to Praia do Amado was varied however to include an additional loop to the South, which when nearing the cliff path to the beach resulted in some route deviations being proposed by RTC veterans seeking the off piste excitment of vertical slopes and cistus plants in abundance. Fortunately sanity prevailed in the end and the regular route was followed to the beach and on to a windswept headland chosen as the scenic lunch spot.

A "domestic'" between the leaders..left or right? Janet wanted it both ways.
(Antje models her new gaiters while making a point with Janet. Chris is about to produce a yellow card!)

With winds increasing and rain clouds building, in no time at all lunch was consumed and the gallant group set off to complete the full distance, following the cliff path to Pontal and Praia da Bordiera. Carrapateira was soon in sight once again and with the scent of the beer at Cafe Bravo now in the wind, good progress was made across the sand dunes as the first drops of rain began to fall.
No sooner were we seated under the awning at Cafe Bravo than the heavens opened and the forecast heavy rain began to fall in earnest. Divine intervention perhaps, but precision timing and an unswerving insistance on following the planned route enabled us all to enjoy a pleasant days walk in the dry, in spite of the prevailing climatic conditions. Overall the distance was about 16km and the walking time almost exactly 4 hours, as confidently predicted.

It must be something in the beer - post ramble depression sinks in... !!

P.S If this walk is to be repeated when weather conditions are more settled it can easily be extended by another 4-5 kms by following either Ian and Pam's route as the bamboo diagram, or by adding a longer Southern loop from Monte Velho. Trying to include some of the RTC
cliff paths might be possible after a more detailed recce of the terrain, which becomes quite confusing as you near the shoreline. Has anyone details of the route for a one way walk from Aljezur to Bordeira, or indeed have we previously done walks in the Aljezur area?


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