Algarve Wednesday Walkers 2006-7

A new Blog for a new walking season. This Blog provides a resumé of the activities of those resourceful, daring and eco-friendly athletes who venture into the wilds of the Algarve, without maps, compasses, rulers nor protractors, and with just walking sticks and a motley selection of dogs for company - known as The Algarve Wednesday Walkers

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Location: Lagos, Algarve, Portugal

Friday, January 19, 2007

AWW 17.01.2007 David's Covoes Convocation

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This was the best I could do as an opening photo - Myriam was feigning a swollen knee, and I had control of the camera. A complete cast photo would not be available until the lunch break. We started with nine - Jim having been temporarily disorientated driving into the morning sun, he joined us after 5km at just after 10 am, and we continued until the 18 km point with all hands, and finished with only six hardy souls. More comment on this later!!

Here is the track of the walk which can be enlarged by clicking and then using the magnifying control:-

From WW Blog Pix

David was obviously concerned about the fragile state of his memory, and had his account of the walk in my Inbox before we managed to get home. If I didn't know better I suspect he must have had the bulk of it pre-composed and ready to go. Here it is in its full uncensored glory:-

‘Os Dois e Três Quartos Picos’

Leader: David
Two-legs – Stan and Elaine, Rod, Andrew, Chris, Mike, Gack, Jim, Paul,
Four-legs - Archie, Tiggy, Oscar.
‘At Home’ – Dinah, Myriam.
Time of departure 09.08. Time of arrival 16.00. Distance 25.5k. – Moving time 5 hrs 45 minutes Average speed 4.3 kph
Weather perfect in all respects. Full sun, cool on the tops, clear views.
In spite of the early departure time. all but one of the walkers was at Casa Benjamin in good time, and able to enjoy a pre-walk beverage, lovingly prepared by Dinah. After waiting a short time for Jim, it was decided to leave, and have him ferried round to Nave do Barão to meet us. This duly happened, and we DID NOT spend the day telling him off, mainly because we had no breath with which to do it. The first ten k or so were taken at a ‘good’ pace (in excess of 5k ph), as intended, in order to get a good start.
The walk was billed as a ‘three-peaks’ marathon. This came to grief at an early stage when the leader took a wrong turn midway up Pico Um and missed the summit. Shortage of breath probably also accounted for the lack of whispered ‘plonker’ etc – no, it was the usual politeness of the WWs, get it right, David. This was shortly followed by an awkward descent through Much Matos (who’s old enough to remember Much Binding?), down to the main road at Ribeira de Algibre. First ‘escape’ offered, and refused by all.
The climb to Monte Seco was less taxing than anticipated, and at the ruined village, the decision was taken to wait for lunch until after the descent. Note was taken of the fact that the trig point on Monte Seco is in fact not the highest point of the ridge, and therefore Pico Dois was accomplished without actually touching the trig. The crossing of the Algibre was made without incident, sadly, and lunch was taken on the far bank in warm sunshine with the sound of the water in our ears.
There followed the long, somewhat tedious climb to Alto Fica, but the path to the very corner of the main road was found without a problem. At Alto Fica, we bade a fond farewell to four two-legs and all the four-legs. (I knew I should have led them all blind-fold past those two bars, dammit). The six remaining trig-baggers, or as Mike would say, Foolish Virgins, pressed on to tackle the remaining climb onto the ridge above Nave do Barão, and the rather ferocious ridge-path to Pico Três, hemmed in by trees, above Portela da Nave. God bless the hunters for marking the path down from this point.
From Portela, the track over to Covões was retraced. The event was completed by a very pleasant period of relaxation and refreshment on the terrace at Casa Benjamin, where beer and flapjack were consumed. In spite of his cock-up at Pico Um, the leader was in self-congratulatory mood, having guestimated the time and distance to within ten minutes and half a k respectively. Who needs GPS when you’ve got a bit of string?
Well done to all those who tackled this one, including those who, for various reasons, were not able to cover the whole distance. One feels it only right that the names of those who did the whole walk should be recorded – apart from the leader, who had to do it, idiot that he is, the others were Stan, Elaine, Andrew and Paul. Jim fought to the finish, but joined 5k into the walk. A speedy recovery is wished to those brethren suffering from ills of various kinds. See you next time.


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