Algarve Wednesday Walkers 2006-7

A new Blog for a new walking season. This Blog provides a resumé of the activities of those resourceful, daring and eco-friendly athletes who venture into the wilds of the Algarve, without maps, compasses, rulers nor protractors, and with just walking sticks and a motley selection of dogs for company - known as The Algarve Wednesday Walkers

My Photo
Location: Lagos, Algarve, Portugal

Thursday, November 09, 2006

WW 08.11.2006 - Sta. Margarida Stumble

Obligatory Trig Point Photo 1 - by Myriam

I am indebted to this week's leader, David, whose draft blog arrived in my inbox almost before I had time to get home and remove my boots! Further, in a 'belts and braces' manoeuvre he sent a copy to each of my inboxes and a message on my answerphone, demanding to know whether it had arrived!!
Far be it from me to intimate that this tactic might have been to forestall any comment on the progress and conduct of the walk by the Chief Blogger. Thanks be that this time I am unlikely to have the writs overflowing from my Mailbox towards the weekend! Herewith David's unedited contribution, colour coded on a suggestion from Maurice, so that he knows who is slandering whom with what and why!! Comment in red.

A map and track of this walk can be viewed by clicking on the thumbnail below, and using the controls to zoom or drag.

From WW Blog Pix
The Bamboo diagram for this walk can be printed after clicking on the thumbnail below:-

From Scanned Bambo...

The Santa Margarida Shuffle.
(I preferred 'Stumble')

Stats: length 17.4 km: 4 hours 4 minutes moving time; total time 5 hrs 8 minutes. Avg moving speed : 4.3 km/hr

A Walk in Two Acts.

Dramatis Personae:-
Paul (The Artiste); Jim; Lindsey (Red Pepper Police); Andrew; John; David (He That Led); Myriam (Two Ice-Creams); Terry; Mike (The Shorts and Damn It); Ian (Salir Again); Stan; Elaine; Hedley ; Ian (I Was Only the Driver).

There Were No Animals in this Production – is this a first? (No!! cf. 07.06.2006 and 13.09.2006)


Act One

Almost all gathered at the time appointed, but the two Ians arrived ten minutes late, claiming to have talked their way past Alte and Benafim and arrived at Salir. One begins to wonder what it is about Salir that is attracting Ian S. so much, and why he talked so hard at Ian W. that he missed the turn. There might be a case for engaging a Private Detective to uncover the truth. Sadly we had to start without Vera and her son, who were terminally lost around Paderne, and only arrived long after we had left.
(They did however contrive to arrive back at Por do Sol as we did, and so we were able to have a chat.)

The walk along the ridge from Santa Margarida to Pico Alto was as stony as ever, and the vegetation seemed somewhat taller. Amazingly, Mike Pease emerged from it without a scratch – could it be that there is now so much scar tissue on those legs that they can no longer bleed? Arriving at Pico Alto trig at 11.30 the leader decreed a ten minute break, though it was much too early for lunch. The views on this section, with the clear air following all the rain of recent weeks, were truly wonderful.

An uneventful trudge along the road, and along the track towards Conqueiros, was followed by a lunch stop near the latter. One high-spot was a field of red peppers, which Myriam went to photograph, landing on her derriere in the process. Adding insult to injury, she was immediately suspected of scrumping by Lindsey, until the matter was explained. Although the leader had not been able to arrange for comfortable seating at lunch (all players looked as though they were huddling together against weather or wild beasts), he had laid on the ice-cream van, which appeared at precisely the right moment, and allowed Greedy Myriam to have the first of her two ices of the day.
(Very brave David - you might live to regret that adjective!!)

Act Two.

From here the party walked along the valley floor to the Santa Margarida – Cazinhas road, and then undertook the climb to the Picota trig, passing Val Vigoria, sadly unoccupied this year and thus without the beer, sarnies and flies of last autumn. Arriving at the ridge, reminiscing occurred around the ultra-steep climb which preceded said beer etc, and a shudder passed through all who remembered.

Views at the trig were admired, and photos taken. Here the leader made a stand against the elitism of those wearing Tilley Hats, who insisted on having a separate photo, but it did him no good at all. (memo to self – steal wife’s Tilley Hat, and get in the picture next time).

(The photo of the 'Magnificent Four Tilleyonistas' is above and will be sent to Mr. Tilley for his own personal Gallery)

Finally, the cast descended to the road and made the long climb back to the bar, where Greedy Myriam had her second ice-cream.

(Oh dear - didn't you learn the first time!!)


Points of interest:

Weather ideal throughout. Two snakes. The countryside is looking particularly green – wonder why. Bar Por do Sol is very welcoming, and the setting is ideal, especially on a day like this one.

(A very nice walk and in addition to his Ice cream divining abilities, the Leader managed to use a bar which stocked Super Bock Abadia - which is almost as good as Sagres Bohemia!!)

Cliff-hanger for next week – Can Ian Scott work Salir into his journey to the start?

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