Algarve Wednesday Walkers 2006-7

A new Blog for a new walking season. This Blog provides a resumé of the activities of those resourceful, daring and eco-friendly athletes who venture into the wilds of the Algarve, without maps, compasses, rulers nor protractors, and with just walking sticks and a motley selection of dogs for company - known as The Algarve Wednesday Walkers

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Location: Lagos, Algarve, Portugal

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Another WW that Wasn't!! 25.10.2006

View from Ian W's perspective on 25.10.2006

I cannot remember when we last had two Wednesdays in a row cancelled. Let us hope that our annual quota of rain falls before the RTC in December, as that would not be pleasant in the current conditions. Given the forecast and the winds and rain that went on in the night, it was probably a wise decision. Here's to the sunny days!
Ian (the putative leader) comments below:-

The WW was cancelled today because of inclement weather, although it was in danger of dying a death anyway because of a gum tree down across the Henley - Welch´s driveway, a sick Xana, and no doubt sound reasons for others deciding not to walk when there is a howling gale and cats and dogs falling from the skies. Last night 46 mm. of rain fell in the Monchique area, and as I write it is continuing. The wind blew down my rain gauge ( see pic No. 1)and kept us awake during the night. In a gap in the weather I managed to get a picture of Picota where we would be walking this morning (see pic No.2)
Let´s hope the weather allows walking next week.
Ian W.
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